Mid-Winter Early Spring Country Drive


Leica D-Lux 7; Mastin Lab Portra presets

March is moving along swiftly.  With the mild winter here, and leading on into Spring, that is just around the corner, we have enjoyed a country drive on the nicer days.  There is a very nice Mercantile about a 15 minute drive, where I like to buy custom made laundry powder filled with fresh lavender fragrance.  Today, before the late evening rain arrives, while the sky was still somewhat blue, mixed with white clouds, we headed off, with a couple of destinations in mind.  

After leaving the Merchantile, we took the back country roads heading west to our next destination.  This country road is where I found some fascinating and colorful sights to capture. 

My husband mentioned some of the groves of trees, bare of leaves yet, and I said, "there isn't yet a sign of green, but in a few weeks that will change".   We saw a lot of woodland spring daffodils in bloom (no photos of them yet though).  


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