On the verge of Spring's arrival


Spring Equinox is within 48 hours of arriving now!   5:24 p.m. EDT 20 March, 2023.  
And, oh how we've waited for the day to arrive!

The adventure of photography lies within the hunt and search, or find by accident, the sweet beauty in my community, that isn't right in my small yard boundaries.

Being the passenger allows me to enjoy the ride, both viewing out the window, and capturing, asking him to "stop here for a minute" when no other cars are behind us, or "let's pull over here so I can get out and get closer".  Those are very special times I will always remember, even when I look at my own photography in Lightroom.  Remembering who took me there, and how patient he was to let me soak it all in, or "just get a few more shots because it's so perfect".

We frequently drive to our favorite small community just 10 minutes from home.  This day we enjoyed another view of our favorite lunch place, from across the street, inside the local Mexican restaurant.  Not many cars over there, but come warmer weather, the lot, restaurant, and Swan Dive will be packed with locals, enjoying the very tasty food, and fresh air dining.

Miss Leica D-Lux 7 accompanies me on these little outings, and she's finally becoming more familiar, easier to navigate the menus and use.  She's been with me for over a year, joining my full gear of Fujifilm family, easily fitting in my purse or pocket.


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